Berlengas Archipelago
For the more adventurers, traveling by boat to the Berlengas is an inevitable program. This small archipelago is a Natural Reserve of wild landscape and beauty.
It is situated approximately 10 Km from Cabo Carvoeiro. The main island, that gives the name to the archipelago. It is made of a hard pinkish course - grained rock, that is elevated up to 88 meters and is 1500 meters long, with a total area of approximately 78 hectares. It is a plateau island, with the exception of some very small beaches, surrounded by steep cliffs. There are also small groups of reefs and smaller islands, as the "Estelas" and the "Farilhões".
The Natural Reserve of Berlengas includes an underwater area of 1000 hectares which its boudaries are the bathymetry of the 30 meters around the island. They have extremely rich waters on a biological point of view. The archipelago is also one of the most important nesting areas of birds of the Iberian Peninsula.
The Guillemot (type of bird) is the symbol of the Natural Reserve of Berlengas and is one of the endangered of our wildlife. The island of Berlenga is divided in Reserva Integral, Reserva Parcial and Recreation Area. There is also a nature passage way which is essential to walk through to get to know the island.
For a long time chosen as the main point to dive with diving gear on the Portuguese coast, the Berlenga waters hide everything that the human mind can create.
Reiner, F. e Santos, R., 2002